Navy Students Complete Greasy Climb Together
Class of 2027 plebes climb during the Herndon Monument Climb at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Md. Freshmen, known as Plebes, participate in the climb to celebrate finishing their first year at the academy. The climb was completed in two hours, nineteen minsters and eleven seconds to complete. (AP Photo/Tom Brenner)

Navy Students Complete Greasy Climb Together

May 15th, 2024

New students at the U.S. Naval Academy in Maryland have finished their first year of school. They climbed a tall monument covered in grease. The monument is 21 feet high. It is called the Herndon Monument. The students put a sailor's hat on top of the monument. They worked together and took two hours, nineteen minutes, and eleven seconds to do it. Many students made a human pyramid to climb up the monument. It was a wet and slippery day. One student, Ben Leisegang from California, put the hat on top. People watching cheered a lot. The school leader said well done to the students. She told them to remember this day and to be good to future students. This climbing event started many years ago in 1940. At first, the monument was not greasy. One year, students climbed it in just one and a half minutes. Another year, it took four hours because the hat was glued down. Now, after the climb, the students are called fourth class midshipmen. They say the student who puts the hat on top will be very successful.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. What did the new students at the U.S. Naval Academy do to finish their first year?
. How tall is the monument the students climbed?
. What is said about the student who places the hat on top of the monument?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

This article is from the United States. The event described is an annual tradition at the U.S. Naval Academy, a military college. The tradition signifies teamwork and the end of the first year for new students. The monument climb is a well-known ceremony among students and the military community.

🧠 Further reading

United States Naval Academy
There is a special school in Annapolis, Maryland, called the United States Naval Academy. It started on October 10, 1845. This school is one of the oldest military schools in the United States. People who go to this school want to work as officers in the Navy or Marine Corps, which means they want to be leaders in the military. The school is big and has a lot of history. It's near a river and a bay, not too far from cities like Washington, D.C., and Baltimore. Many old and important buildings are there. To go to this school, you have to ask the school and also get a special letter from someone like a politician. Students are called midshipmen and they do not have to pay for their school because the Navy pays for it. But after they finish school, they have to work for the Navy for some years. Every year, about 1,200 new students come, and they have a hard summer training. After four years, about 1,000 students finish school. When they leave, they become young officers in the Navy or Marine Corps. Some students can also work for other countries. The school is known for its good education and the students who leave usually get very good jobs. They get a degree in science and study many different subjects.

Gettysburg Address
Long ago, a man named Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States. He gave a very famous speech called the Gettysburg Address during a war in America. He spoke at a place called Gettysburg after a big battle where many soldiers fought and died. Lincoln's speech was short but very important. He spoke about the country being free and that all people should be treated equally. He said the war was to see if such a country could survive. He talked about the brave soldiers who died and said that the country should work to make sure these people didn't die for nothing. He wanted a country that was for everyone and would last a long time. People remember this speech a lot, but they are not sure exactly what words he used or where he stood when he gave it. There are different copies of his speech and they have some differences. But everyone agrees it was a very special moment.

Blood wings
In the United States Army and in some other military groups, there is a special tradition for soldiers who finish their parachute training. This is called 'blood wings.' It happens when a soldier gets a special pin for being able to parachute. During the ceremony, the pin, which has sharp points, is put onto the soldier's chest without a protection on the back. Then, it is hit into their skin. Sometimes, the pin is hit many times to match the number of the soldier's group. No one knows exactly when this tradition started, but it might be from World War II. Not many people know about it because it's a secret practice. Some people don't like it because it is painful and can be seen as a bad kind of teasing. It is not allowed by the military leaders. But, soldiers who have done it feel very proud and see it as an important experience.