Navy Students Complete Greasy Climb Together
Class of 2027 plebes climb during the Herndon Monument Climb at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Md. Freshmen, known as Plebes, participate in the climb to celebrate finishing their first year at the academy. The climb was completed in two hours, nineteen minsters and eleven seconds to complete. (AP Photo/Tom Brenner)

Navy Students Complete Greasy Climb Together

May 15th, 2024

At the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, first-year students, known as Plebes, recently engaged in a challenging and time-honored tradition that signifies the completion of their initial year at the institution. The Plebes collectively faced the task of climbing a 21-foot monument coated with vegetable shortening, an event that has been an annual occurrence at the Academy. Their goal, and the focal point of the ceremony, was to replace a symbolic Plebe "Dixie cup" hat at the top of the Herndon Monument with an upperclassman's hat. The task took place under the damp conditions of a rainy day, with the Plebes forming a human pyramid to navigate the slippery obelisk, all while being sprayed with water from hoses. After much effort, teamwork, and perseverance, the mission was completed in just under two and a half hours, with 20-year-old Ben Leisegang from California achieving the honor of placing the upperclassman's hat atop the monument. This year's climb included an unusual occurrence where the Dixie cup hat remained on top of the monument after the upperclassman's hat was initially placed, requiring an additional attempt to secure the symbolic exchange of headgear properly. The victory was met with an enthusiastic response from onlookers, and the achievement was praised by Academy Superintendent Vice Adm. Yvette M. Davids, who congratulated the class. Leisegang himself echoed the sentiment of unity and cooperation in his speech to his peers. The event serves as a rite of passage for Plebes, marking their transition to fourth class midshipmen, and carries the lore that the individual who accomplishes the hat placement may become the first admiral from their class. This ritual, steeped in tradition, commenced in 1940 with the actual hat placement starting in 1947. With an evolving degree of difficulty introduced over the years, including the greasing of the monument which started in 1949, and the Dixie cup hat placement in 1962, the climb has become a significant test of endurance and camaraderie. Record times for the climb have varied throughout the years, with the fastest ungreased climb in 1969 taking a mere minute and a half, contrasting with a four-hour-plus effort in 1995 when the Dixie cup hat was secured with glue. The significance of the climb extends beyond the physical endeavor; it is a symbolic reminder of the Academy's history and the collective spirit required to meet and overcome challenges. Participants and spectators are left with a lasting memory of the unity and determination emblematic of the Academy's training and values.
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šŸ’­ Discussion Questions

. How does the ritual of the Plebes climbing the Herndon Monument symbolize their transition at the U.S. Naval Academy, and what might this imply about the values promoted at the institution?
. Discuss the changes that have been made to the Herndon Monument climb over the years and how these alterations might reflect the evolving nature of traditions.
. What does the varied record times for climbing the monument suggest about the different conditions and challenges faced by Plebes during the event?

šŸ“– Vocabulary

šŸŒ Cultural context

The article is from the United States, discussing a tradition at the U.S. Naval Academy, a military institution where officers are trained for the Navy and Marine Corps.

šŸ§  Further reading

United States Naval Academy
In the picturesque setting of Annapolis, Maryland, you'll find the esteemed United States Naval Academy, an institution steeped in historical significance since its inception on October 10, 1845. Positioned where the Severn River meets the Chesapeake Bay, this 338-acre campus, affectionately known as "the Yard," is a sanctuary of history and a designated National Historic Landmark. The Naval Academy stands as a prominent educational establishment for the formation of future officers of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, and is part of the larger Naval University System. As the second oldest service academy in the country, it offers a rigorous training environment that demands the utmost commitment from its students, known as midshipmen. Prospective students face a challenging admissions process which includes applying to the academy and securing a separate congressional nomination. The Navy fully sponsors their education, with an expectation that graduates will serve in active duty as part of their reciprocal agreement. Each summer, the academy welcomes around 1,200 new midshipmen, referred to as "plebes," a term derived from the Ancient Roman class system, who embark on an intense training period. By the end of their educational journey, approximately 1,000 midshipmen graduate and are commissioned as either Navy ensigns or Marine Corps second lieutenants. Moreover, a few may cross-commission into other U.S. military branches or serve in allied forces. Academically, the Naval Academy is known for its outstanding Bachelor of Science program, which evaluates students across a comprehensive curriculum. Notably, graduates are recognized for attaining some of the highest initial salaries in the nation, underscoring the value of the education received at this venerable institution.

Religion and circumcision
In Abrahamic traditions, circumcision serves as a pivotal religious ritual. Jews perform circumcision, as mandated by the Torah and Jewish law, on the eighth day after a male child's birth, unless the child's health is at risk. This act signifies adherence to God's covenant with Abraham and his descendants, a symbol of enduring faith and commitment. For Jews, circumcision is a divine ordinance meant solely for them and not for non-Jews, who are instead subject to the Seven Laws of Noah. The Hebrew Bible emphasizes the significance of circumcision as a covenantal sign with God, with severe consequences for non-compliance. Non-Israelites wishing to partake in Jewish religious practices, such as the Passover feast, were required to undergo circumcision. The term "uncircumcised" carried a negative connotation in Biblical times, often used to disparage the Philistinesā€”Israel's historical adversariesā€”in Biblical narratives. The practice was so integral to Jewish identity that even the renowned King David faced a precondition involving the circumcision of Philistines before he could marry into the royal family. This underscores the deep-rooted and complex role of circumcision within Jewish history and identity. In Islam, circumcision is also widely practiced, reflecting the shared lineage with Judaism in valuing this rite of passage, though the Quran does not explicitly mandate it as it does in Jewish texts. Nonetheless, circumcision remains a marker of religious and cultural identity among these Abrahamic faiths.

Team management
Team management is a critical skill in effectively leading a group of individuals to collaboratively complete a task. This skill encompasses the areas of teamwork, communication, setting goals, and evaluating performance. It is also essential in recognizing and resolving disputes within a team. In the modern business environment, utilizing teams is a common strategy to tackle complex issues and encourage innovation. To enhance team productivity and function, managers can adopt various leadership approaches and methodologies. In any workplace, there exist diverse kinds of teams, varying in size and purpose, yet they all work interdependently to achieve specific objectives. In particular, management teams play a distinct role by providing guidance and oversight to other teams rather than being directly involved in task execution. For a team to thrive, it requires cohesive leadership. This means that leaders must operate as a singular entity, aligning their decisions with one another, which drives the team towards a unified direction. Effective communication skills are paramount for this, ensuring consistency in leadership. Motivation is also a catalyst for fostering unity, encouraging the team members to work towards a shared vision. This synergy can significantly enhance the team's overall cohesion and performance.