Salman Rushdie Writes New Book "Knife" After Being Hurt
Salman Rushdie poses for a portrait to promote his book "Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder" on Thursday, April 18, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

Salman Rushdie Writes New Book "Knife" After Being Hurt

April 19th, 2024

Salman Rushdie is a writer who tells us his story in a new book called "Knife". Some time ago, he was hurt very badly when someone attacked him with a knife. Because of this, he can't see with his right eye. His book talks about what happened to him and how he is getting better. Even though the attack was scary, Salman did not give up. He still loves to write books and thinks about the world in a hopeful way. He has written famous books before and won an award for one called "Midnight's Children". Salman is almost 77 years old but says he feels much younger inside. He is working on sharing his book "Knife" with people right now. He is also thinking about what stories he will write next. In his life, Salman has faced many difficult things, but he still wants to take charge and live the best way he can.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. Who is Salman Rushdie and what does he do?
. What is Salman Rushdie's new book called?
. How does Salman Rushdie feel after the attack?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

Salman Rushdie is a famous author from the United Kingdom with Indian heritage. He has previously faced threats due to his writings, which have sparked international controversy.

🧠 Further reading

Transgenerational trauma
Sometimes, when very bad things happen to people, the feelings and changes in how they behave can be passed on to their children and even their grandchildren. This can happen while a baby is still growing before they are born, or through living in a family with someone who went through something really bad. There are big groups of people who all felt a big, bad event together, like the Holocaust where many Jewish people were hurt, or schools in Canada that were not kind to Indigenous children, or the time when black people were made to be slaves. The pain from these times can affect even people who were not there. For example, if a Jewish family today still feels scared or acts like they need to be very careful because of what happened in the Holocaust so many years ago, it's like the fear is passed on even though they did not live through it themselves. Bad things that happen can touch whole groups of people or just one family. Even if only one person in a family had something really bad happen to them, it could still change the way they act with their children and how those children feel.

Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou was a famous American writer and activist. She wrote seven life stories, many poems, and essays. She was also in plays, movies, and TV shows for over 50 years. She won many prizes and got over 50 special degrees from universities. Her first book, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," made her famous around the world. Before she became a writer, Angelou did many different jobs. She was a cook, a nightclub singer, an actress, and she worked for important groups. She also wrote about important times in Africa. She taught at a university in North Carolina and helped in the Civil Rights Movement with famous leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. Angelou was the first person to read a poem at a president's inauguration since 1961. She read her poem when President Bill Clinton started his job in 1993. People really respect her for how she wrote about her life and for speaking up for Black people and women. Many schools teach her books, but some people don't think her books are good for schools.

Role-playing video game
In a role-playing video game, you pretend to be a character on an adventure. You control what your character does in a special world. Your character can get better by getting points. The points help your character to develop and become stronger. The game is a bit like games played on a table. In those games, people tell stories and pretend their characters are in the story. You can have one character or a group of them, which is a party. To win the game, you have to finish tasks or the story. As you play, you solve problems and fight against enemies. What is fun about these games is watching your character grow up and get better. Also, you can choose what your character is like. These video games have a lot of story and places in them. They are split into many small tasks. You tell your character what to do and they do it. How well they do it depends on numbers that show how strong or smart they are. These numbers get better when your character goes up a level. Levels go up when you get enough points. These games don't need you to move quickly but some, where action is important, might.