Salman Rushdie Writes New Book "Knife" After Being Hurt
Salman Rushdie poses for a portrait to promote his book "Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder" on Thursday, April 18, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

Salman Rushdie Writes New Book "Knife" After Being Hurt

April 19th, 2024

A man named Salman Rushdie wrote a book called "Knife." This book talks about when he got hurt very badly. Someone hurt him, and now he can't see with his right eye. But Salman is still strong inside. He made a picture for his book. This happened in a big city called New York. Salman is almost 77 years old, but he feels young, like 25. He has written many books. One book made some people very mad a long time ago. One day, when he was talking to people, a young man hurt him with a knife. It was scary. Now, Salman talks to a helper, and he wrote his book with this helper. He had to be very brave to write about the scary thing that happened to him. Salman is happy when he writes books. He is trying to write more stories. But right now, he is talking about his book "Knife." He still wants to take care of his life and not be afraid. Salman used to be a quiet kid, but now he writes big, important books. Even after the bad thing happened, Salman still feels like himself. He thinks a lot about life. Writing books makes him feel young and full of dreams. Even though he is older, he tries to be full of energy for his writing.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. Who wrote the book called 'Knife'?
. What happened to Salman Rushdie?
. What does Salman Rushdie like to do?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

Salman Rushdie is a famous writer from the United Kingdom with Indian roots. He writes important stories in English. He lives in New York, a big city in America. He was hurt once, and he wrote about it. His new book is named "Knife."

🧠 Further reading

Psychological resilience
Sometimes in life, hard things happen. Some people can handle hard things very well. They are strong inside their head and heart. When bad things happen, they can feel okay again quickly. A long time ago, a smart person named Emmy studied kids in Hawaii for many years. These kids did not have a lot of money. But some of them were still very strong inside when hard things happened. Why are some people strong inside? It can be because of what they are like. Do they feel good about themselves? Can they control their feelings? Do they see life in a happy way? These things can help. It can also be because of the people around them. Having family or friends who help can make a person strong. And having what they need, like a good place to play and learn, is important too. To be stronger inside, people can learn new things. They can think in a good way, pay attention to the moment, and be kind to themselves. Being strong inside means you can handle stress without getting too hurt. People see being strong inside in different ways. And they have many ideas on how to grow this strength. Happy feelings, help from others, and being tough can make a person strong inside.

Deathbed phenomena
When people are very close to dying, they sometimes see or hear things that are not there. These are called deathbed visions. People all over the world have talked about seeing friends or family who have died, hearing music, or having other special experiences when they are near the end of their life. Some people think these visions are just like dreams. Years ago, doctors and scientists started to study these visions carefully. A long time ago, a man named William Barrett wrote a book about people seeing things when they were close to dying. He thought these were real visits from spirits. Later, two scientists named Osis and Haraldsson did a big study. They found that many people had these kinds of visions. Some people think these visions mean there is life after death. But not everyone agrees. Some doctors think the studies were not done the best way. They believe the visions are not proof of life after death, but just something that happens in the brain when someone is dying.

Assistive technology
Some people find it hard to do everyday things because of disabilities. These things like using the toilet, walking, eating, taking a bath, getting dressed, and looking after themselves are important. Special tools can help these people do these things by themselves. These tools make it easier for people to live their own life and be part of the community. There are different kinds of tools. For example, a wheelchair helps people who can't walk move around. There are also tools to help people eat by themselves if they can't do this without help. These tools help people feel more in control and can save money for families and hospitals. In school, these tools can help students who find learning hard because of disabilities. Some students have trouble writing, but they can talk to a computer to write for them. These tools are very good for people who are getting better after being sick or hurt and need help with daily things. There are also special tools made just for people with disabilities that would not really be used by people without disabilities. These are different from the tools that can help anyone.