Big Temple for God Lord Ram Opens Soon in India
A person takes selfie in front of a replica of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, which is on display outside India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party office, in Mumbai, India, Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

Big Temple for God Lord Ram Opens Soon in India

January 17th, 2024

In India, a very important temple is almost ready. It is for Lord Ram, a god that many people in India love very much. The temple is in a city called Ayodhya in the north of India. Many people are working hard to make everything look nice for when the temple opens on January 22, 2024. People are very excited about the new temple. They are buying flags with pictures of Lord Ram and putting up decorations. There will be a big ceremony and the important leader of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will come too. He will help put a special statue of Lord Ram inside the temple. A long time ago, there was a fight about this place. Some people knocked down a mosque, a place where Muslims pray, and said they wanted to build a temple there because Lord Ram was born there. The leaders of the country said okay for the temple to be built. Now, the city is getting ready for lots of visitors. They built new roads, an airport, and a train station. There will even be places for people to stay when they come for the opening ceremony. Everyone is talking about it on TV and in the streets. People think that having the temple will make many people happy, especially those who believe in Hinduism, the religion where they worship Lord Ram. Some people are not sure if it is right to open the temple before it is completely finished. But many people just want to celebrate. They say it is a very special time because their ancestors saw bad things happen to their holy places, and now they can see them being built again.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. Where is the new temple for Lord Ram located?
. Who will come to the opening ceremony of the temple?
. Why are some people not sure about opening the temple before it is completely finished?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

India is a country with diverse cultures and religions. Hinduism is a major religion, and Lord Ram is a revered deity for Hindus. Ayodhya is a historic city significant in Hindu mythology. In recent history, Ayodhya was the site of religious conflict due to the demolition of a mosque.

🧠 Further reading

Ayodhya Airport
There is a new international airport called Maharishi Valmiki International Airport, Ayodhya Dham. It is in Ayodhya and Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh, India. This airport is near two big roads and started being built in February 2022. The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, opened the airport at the end of December 2023. Planes began to fly in and out on January 10, 2024. The airport's name was chosen to honor a special sage, Valmiki, who wrote an important story from India's history. This name also matches the airport's theme. Before this airport, a man named Ajit Singh wanted to make flying better in this area. He wanted to make three old flying places into better airports in 2012. He thought this would help people travel, make jobs, and help the cities grow. To make flying easier for everyone, the government wants to build more airports that don't cost too much. They told the Airports Authority to find a good, cheap way to improve smaller airports.

Economy of Japan
Japan has a big and strong economy. It is one of the top economies in the world. People in Japan make a lot of money every year. Sometimes, how much money Japan makes changes because of the money's value. Japan is very good at making cars and high-tech things like computers and robots. They make very smart and exact products. There are some places in Japan that are very important for making things. Japan buys and sells a lot to other countries. It has a lot of money saved from other countries. Also, Japan has a lot of money in the world. Many big companies are in Japan. The people who decide about money in Japan check how businesses feel every three months. There is also a big place in Japan where people buy and sell parts of companies. This helps them see how the economy is doing. Japan makes a lot of new inventions and is known for this all over the world. They are very good at creating new things and have a lot of ideas. They are also the second-biggest in making cars and they sell a lot of them to other countries. In the end, Japan is a very important country for making and selling things. It is known for having a lot of money and being very good at making things.

Jai Shri Ram
In India, people say "Jai Shri Ram" to celebrate and show respect to Lord Ram, a very important god for Hindus. It means they are happy because of Lord Ram or they want him to win. Long ago, holy people called Bairagis used different ways to greet each other, all with Lord Ram's name. They said things like "Jai Ram" or "Sita Ram." Sita is Lord Ram’s wife. In one city named Ayodhya, women who visit holy places say "Sita-Ram-Sita-Ram," but older men often choose not to say Lord Ram's name. Worshipping Lord Ram became much more popular many years ago after some wars. There is a big story called the Ramayana about Ram that many people started reading in the 16th century. This story helped people imagine a perfect king who fights against bad things. There is a special word "Ramrajya" which means the land ruled by Lord Ram. It was used to talk about a perfect place without any bad rule. A very long time ago, a man named Baba Ram Chandra used Lord Ram's name in politics.