Big Temple for God Lord Ram Opens Soon in India
A person takes selfie in front of a replica of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, which is on display outside India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party office, in Mumbai, India, Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

Big Temple for God Lord Ram Opens Soon in India

January 17th, 2024

In a city in India, people are very excited. They are getting ready for a big temple to open. The temple is for a god named Lord Ram. He is very special to many people in India. Soon, there will be a big party when the temple opens. Many people will come to see it. The Prime Minister of India will also be there. People are working hard to make the city look nice for the temple opening. They are putting up tents for all the people coming. There will also be big screens to watch the temple open. Even in other countries, people can see it on screens. Some people are not happy about the temple. They say it is not finished yet. But many people are still very happy. They are buying flags with Lord Ram on them. They are singing and dancing in the streets. The temple is big and pretty. It is made with pink stones. Lots of people will visit it every day. The city is also getting new roads and buildings so more people can come. Everyone is talking about the temple. They talk about it on TV and go to houses to tell people about it. They give out flags and invite people to pray. A man who likes the temple says he is happy. He says a long time ago, some temples were broken. Now people are making new ones. He thinks that is a good thing. The temple opens soon. Many people will go there to pray and be happy together.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. What are the people in the city in India excited about?
. What is the name of the god the big temple is for?
. Who will come to the city when the big temple opens?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

The article is from India, a country with a rich tradition of celebrating religious festivals. Temples are important for worship and cultural gatherings. Lord Ram is a revered deity in Hinduism, and such events often attract political figures and large public interest.

🧠 Further reading

Ram Van Gaman Path
Long ago, there was a king called Lord Rama. He went on a big trip with his wife, Sita, and his brother, Lakshmana. They had to live away from their home in Ayodhya for many years. This trip is very special for many people who love the stories about Rama. Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana walked through many forests in India. They could not stay in towns. They had to live in the jungle. They started in a place called Ayodhya and walked all the way to Sri Lanka. People remember Rama's big walk by looking at many special places in India. There are 248 of these places. Some people want to make these places nicer for visitors. This will help people learn more about Rama and the stories about him. In the state of Uttar Pradesh, there is a long road. It is called Ram Van Gaman Marg. People are making this road better. There are some important places on this road where people can visit and remember Rama's story. In another place called Chhattisgarh, nine spots are being made nice for people to visit. These places will help people think about Rama and his trip. There are also special places in Madhya Pradesh that are part of Rama's big trip. These places will be made nicer too. People who like Rama's stories will want to visit here and see where he went a long time ago.

Hindu temple architecture
Hindu temples are special buildings. They have a room inside called the "garbha griha" or "womb-chamber". This room has a statue of a god or goddess. People go around this room to pray. Hindu temples have towers called "shikhara" or "vimana". They are big and tall. Temples have places to walk around, big halls, and sometimes extra rooms. Hindu temples are places to visit when you go on a trip to pray. They have many things like fire, water, pictures, and gods. They have things for men and things for women. They have sounds and smells. They help people feel close to the gods. Hindu temples are built by special rules in books called "Shilpa Shastras" and "Vastu Sastras". People who build temples make them look nice in their own way.

List of Hindu festivals
Hindu people around the world have many special days when they celebrate. These special days are about old stories from India. Some happen when the weather changes. They pick the days for these celebrations using the sun and moon. The word for these special days is "Utsava." Another word is "Dolu Utsava." It means the changes of the seasons. In the Hindu way of counting days, they look at the moon. They have names for each month and each part of the month. Sometimes it can be confusing because different people may celebrate on different days. Hindu people have many festivals. Some are only in one place or for some Hindu people. There are lists of these festivals. We can also look at other things like special beads, teachers and students, and festivals for other religions. You can find more about these celebrations on the internet and in books.