Big New Planet Found in Space by Space Telescope
This illustration provided by the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in July 2024 depicts a cold gas giant orbiting a red dwarf. Scientists had long suspected a big planet orbited the star Epsilon Indi A, but not this massive or far from its star. An international team led by Max Planck Institute for Astronomy’s Elisabeth Matthews in Germany collected the images in 2023 and published their findings Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in the journal Nature. (T. Müller (MPIA/HdA) via AP)

Big New Planet Found in Space by Space Telescope

July 24th, 2024

Scientists have found a very big planet near a star that is not too far from Earth. People thought there might be a big planet around this star, but they didn't know it was so big and far from the star. The planet is like Jupiter, a planet in our own Solar System, but it is six times heavier. It is made mostly of gas, just like Jupiter, and it does not have any water or land. The planet takes a very long time, maybe up to 250 years, to go all the way around its star. It is much farther from its star than Earth is from the Sun. The star, called Epsilon Indi A, can be seen in the sky without a telescope if you are in the Southern Hemisphere. It is part of a group of three stars. A team of people from many different countries, led by a scientist in Germany, took pictures of this big planet last year. They used a special space telescope called the James Webb Space Telescope. They covered up the light from the star, so they could see the planet better. It was tricky to do, but they did it! The pictures showed the planet and the star it goes around. They are both very old - much older than our Sun and the planets around it, but we can still see them shining. Even though this planet is interesting, it probably doesn't have life because it is made of gas and does not have any hard ground or oceans. But the scientists think there might be other smaller, rocky planets nearby that we haven't found yet. Finding planets around other stars helps us learn more about them. We have found a lot of these planets since the 1990s. Space telescopes and telescopes on Earth are looking for more, especially planets that might be like Earth. The James Webb Space Telescope, which helped find this big planet, is the biggest and most powerful one we've ever sent to space. It was launched by NASA and the European Space Agency in 2021.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. What is the biggest planet in our Solar System and what is the new planet like?
. How long does it take for the newly found planet to go around its star?
. What is special about the telescope that was used to take pictures of the big planet?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

The article talks about the discovery of a large exoplanet made of gas, similar to Jupiter, by a global team using a powerful telescope. This discovery adds to knowledge about planets outside our Solar System.

🧠 Further reading

NASA Exoplanet Archive
There is a special place on the Internet where scientists keep information about planets outside our solar system, which are called exoplanets. This place is called the NASA Exoplanet Archive. It has lots of data that help people learn about these faraway planets and the stars they orbit around. This archive is at the California Institute of Technology in the city of Pasadena in the United States. The NASA Exoplanet Archive started in 2011. It is part of a bigger project by NASA to explore planets that are not in our solar system. By mid-2024, the archive had details about 5,690 exoplanets! In the archive, you can find lots of different kinds of information, like light curves, pictures, and other important data from space. It uses tools and services to help scientists study the data. A lot of this data comes from space missions like Kepler and CoRoT, and from other projects too. Many people visit the NASA Exoplanet Archive's website. It got over 130,000 visits in just one month! The archive includes planets found by different methods and it has tools to make it easier for people to understand the data about the exoplanets and their stars.

James Webb Space Telescope
There is a big telescope called the James Webb Space Telescope. It is the biggest one in space and looks at stars with a very strong camera. It can see very old stars and galaxies and planets that are very far away. It can even look at planets like ours to see if they might have air that we could breathe. This telescope went into space on Christmas Day in 2021. It flew on a big rocket and now it is in space near the Sun and Earth. On 11th July 2022, everyone got to see its first picture. NASA, the space company in America, made this telescope. They had help from space companies in Europe and Canada. The telescope is named after James E. Webb, a very important person who worked at NASA a long time ago. The telescope has a special mirror made of 18 pieces that look like hexagons and is covered with gold. It is bigger and can collect more light than the Hubble Telescope, another famous space telescope. The James Webb Telescope can see different kinds of light, even the kind that we cannot see with our eyes. This helps it to see things in space very clearly.

Gas giant
Big planets made mostly of hydrogen and helium are called gas giants. Jupiter and Saturn are two examples in our Solar System. People used to think all big planets were gas giants. But then, we learned that Uranus and Neptune are different. They have lots of other heavy gases, called "ices." So, now we often say Uranus and Neptune are ice giants. Jupiter and Saturn have a lot of hydrogen and helium. They also have a little bit of heavier stuff. These planets have layers. On the outside, they have gases pressed together. Inside, they have liquid hydrogen that acts like metal because it carries electricity. Deep inside, they might have a hot, heavy core, but we're not quite sure. The gas giants have pretty clouds on top made of water and other things. This is surprising because we used to think there was no water far away in space. There's something called the Grand tack hypothesis that tries to explain why the gas giants are where they are in space. There's also a discussion about what makes a gas giant different from a small brown star. Some people think it's about how they were made. Others think it's about what's inside them. The name "gas giant" was first used in 1952 by a writer who made up stories about space.