Paul Schrader Makes New Movie "Oh, Canada" With Actor Friend
Director Paul Schrader poses for portrait photographs for the film 'Oh, Canada', at the 77th international film festival, Cannes, southern France, Friday, May 17, 2024. (Photo by Scott A Garfitt/Invision/AP)

Paul Schrader Makes New Movie "Oh, Canada" With Actor Friend

May 17th, 2024

Paul Schrader is a movie director who has been making films for a long time. He is 77 years old and recently, he was sick with long COVID, but he feels better now. He decided to make a new movie called "Oh, Canada" which is based on a book by his friend Russell Banks. Schrader has made many movies in the past, but he always thinks each movie could be his last. However, he keeps having new ideas for films. Schrader showed his new movie at a big event in Cannes, France. It is a very important place for movies, and he hasn't been there for 36 years. His new movie is special because it reminds people of movies from the 1970s when he and other famous directors started their careers. In "Oh, Canada," a famous actor named Richard Gere plays the main character. The character is an older man who talks about his life in a very honest way. Schrader makes movies that don't cost too much money, and he likes to have control over how the movies are made. He believes it's easier to make movies now, but it's still hard to earn money from them. Schrader also enjoys watching other movies and sometimes writes about them online. He thinks right now is an okay time for movies. It's not great, but it's not bad either.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. What is the name of the new movie directed by Paul Schrader?
. Who is playing the main character in 'Oh, Canada'?
. What does Paul Schrader like to have when making a movie?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

Paul Schrader is a renowned American filmmaker known for his long career in the film industry. His works are often recognized for their depth and character-driven narratives. The term "long COVID" refers to ongoing health problems following a COVID-19 infection. The Cannes Film Festival in France is an internationally prestigious film festival where many filmmakers aspire to screen their movies. The 1970s are regarded as a significant era in American cinema, marked by innovative and director-driven films. Richard Gere is a notable American actor.

🧠 Further reading

Once upon a time, there was a big music event called Woodstock. It happened in 1969 on a farm in New York. It was supposed to be a three-day party of music and peace. Lots of people, more than 460,000, came to see musicians play. It was a bit rainy, but the music played on outside. Woodstock was very special for music and for the people who were young back then. A film and music album about it were made later, and people still remember Woodstock for changing music. Four men, Michael, Artie, Joel, and John, made Woodstock happen. They worked hard to get money and plan everything. They liked music and wanted to make a happy place for people to enjoy it. They did that, and Woodstock is still talked about today. It was so important that the place where it happened is now protected and remembered as a part of history.

Making a movie is a process where a story becomes a film. It starts with a story or idea, and goes through many steps. First, people write the script and find the actors. Then, they plan, choose places where they will film, and build sets. After that, they record the movie, but not always in order. They also record the sounds. Later, they edit the film and add sounds and effects to make it complete. When the movie is finished, people can watch it in the cinema or at home. Before making the movie, people think of ideas and write the story. They also get money to pay for making the movie. Then they prepare everything they need for filming. This is called development. During this time, they also write down a plan for how to make the movie. Movies used to be made with actual film, but now they are usually digital. Making a movie is about telling a story with sounds and pictures. Many people enjoy these stories in theaters or on their TVs and computers.

Harry Styles
Harry Styles is a famous English singer who started singing in a group called One Direction in 2010. This group was made on a TV show called "The X Factor." They became very popular, but stopped making music together in 2016. Harry then made music by himself. His first album came out in 2017 and did really well in both the UK and the USA. He made another album in 2019 that also did great and had a hit song called "Watermelon Sugar." His third album from 2022 won a big music award. Harry has won many other awards for his music. He has also been in movies like "Dunkirk." People know Harry for his colorful clothing, and he was the first man to be alone on the cover of a famous magazine called Vogue. Harry was born on February 1, 1994. He grew up with his parents and sister in a place called Holmes Chapel in England.