New Amy Winehouse Movie in Theaters
This image released by Focus Features shows Marisa Abela as Amy Winehouse in a scene from "Back to Black." (Focus Features via AP)

New Amy Winehouse Movie in Theaters

May 14th, 2024

A new movie called "Back to Black" is about a famous singer named Amy Winehouse. The actress Marisa Abela plays Amy, and other actors like Jack O’Connell, Eddie Marsan, and Lesley Manville are in the movie too. The story shows Amy's life, how she loved singing, and the problems she had with drugs and feeling sad. The movie is made to show Amy in a good way and to help people understand her life better. Some people think the movie is not the best way to remember Amy. They say another film that came out before, called "Amy", was better because it used real videos of her life. Amy's dad, Mitch, did not like the first film and says it told lies. The new movie "Back to Black" tries to be nice to Amy's ex-husband, Blake, and her dad, Mitch, but some people think it's not all true. The film shows Amy's hard times but doesn't talk much about her problems with eating. People who made the movie say they didn't want to make her sad life look nice. In the end, the movie shows Amy as a very good singer but also talks a lot about her love for Blake. Even though the actors do a good job, it's hard to believe them as people with drug problems. The movie ends in a very usual way and it doesn't make people feel a lot of things. "Back to Black" is a movie for grown-ups because it has drugs, bad words, and some adult scenes. It's about 2 hours long. Some people might like it but others might not think it's very good.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. Who plays Amy Winehouse in the new movie 'Back to Black'?
. What does the movie 'Back to Black' show about Amy Winehouse's life?
. Why might some people not like the new movie about Amy Winehouse?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

The article is from a country where Amy Winehouse, a famous British singer, is a cultural icon known for her music and personal struggles. The movie discusses themes of fame, addiction, and the music industry.

🧠 Further reading

Historical drama
Historical dramas are stories that take place in the past. They show us people and events from history. Sometimes, these stories put in fun things like pretend conversations or exciting moments to make the story more interesting. These dramas are not always 100% true to what really happened. They can be about love stories, big adventures, or famous people from history, like kings and queens. There is another kind of story called historical fiction, which is a little different. Those stories make up characters and things that happen in a real historical setting. For example, the story could be about imaginary people living in the time of castles and knights. People who study movies and stories have noticed that different kinds of historical dramas become popular at different times. Western movies and stories about ancient Rome were very popular in American cinemas in the 1950s. Some historical dramas pay a lot of attention to the costumes and are called costume dramas. These are often about love and relationships and are sometimes thought to be just for women. But some people really like these costume dramas. Historical dramas sometimes try to be very accurate to history, but other times they just use history to tell a good story. Some well-known historical dramas are about real historical events or people, like the sinking of the Titanic or the space mission Apollo 13. They mix facts with a little bit of make-believe to make the story more exciting.

Native Americans in film
Movies and TV shows have shown Native Americans in many ways. In the past, they were often shown in a simple way, like either very good or very bad people. Some people didn't like this because it was not true and fair. A long time ago, books and shows made up stories about brave Native Americans, but they weren't always right. There was a famous man named Buffalo Bill who made shows about cowboys and Native Americans. He traveled around America and Europe. He even made a short movie about himself. But sometimes, these shows and movies made people think the wrong things about Native Americans. Later on, in 1950, a movie called "Broken Arrow" was made, and this time, it showed Native Americans in a nicer way. From the 1990s, some Native Americans started making their own movies to tell their real stories and show who they really are. They wanted to be in charge of their own stories on TV and in movies.

Addiction is when someone really wants to keep using a drug or doing something like playing video games, even if it's bad for them. This strong urge happens because the brain changes when a person uses drugs a lot. These changes make the person want the drug more and make it harder for them to stop using it. People who are addicted might do certain things over and over because it makes them feel good quickly, but in the long time it can cause problems. Some people get addicted to things like alcohol, smoking, or eating too much. There are also behavior addictions where people can't stop doing things like gambling, shopping, or using the internet too much. Right now, doctors say that only gambling is a special kind of behavior addiction. But they are starting to think that playing video games too much might be one too. The word "addiction" can mean many things. Sometimes it's used to talk about a mental disorder or just bad habits. Addiction mostly means having very strong and hard to control urges to do something or use something, like drugs or alcohol, for the pleasure it gives, even though it can be harmful.