18-Year-Old Girl Gets Top School Degree in Arizona
Dorothy Jean Tillman II participates in Arizona State University’s commencement, May 6, 2024, in Tempe, Ariz. Tillman, 18, earned her doctoral degree in integrated behavioral health in December at age 17 from the school. Tillman, of Chicago, began taking college courses at age 10. She earned her associate's, bachelor's and master's degrees before she turned 17. (Tillman Family via AP)

18-Year-Old Girl Gets Top School Degree in Arizona

May 14th, 2024

Dorothy Jean Tillman II is a very smart and young girl from Chicago. She started college classes when she was only 10 years old. Before she was 17 years old, she had finished a lot of school. She got her associate's degree, bachelor's degree, and master's degree. Then, when she was just 17 years old, she finished her biggest school goal. She earned her doctoral degree from Arizona State University. This degree was about health and how people behave. Dorothy's family and teachers are very proud of her. They say that she is special because not many young people do what she has done. Dorothy is also known as "Dorothy Jeanius." Her grandmother used to be a leader in Chicago and Dorothy has learned a lot from her. She worked hard, but she missed some normal school activities, like dances and taking pictures with her friends. However, she did spend time dancing and making dances. Dorothy has also started a summer camp for young people. This camp helps them learn about arts and science. She wants to keep working on this camp and she wants to talk to people about her ideas. Her teachers say she is a true leader. Her mom is happy because Dorothy knows when to study hard and when she can have fun. Dorothy has big dreams for the future, and she wants to help others learn and be good at what they do. Her story is very inspiring because she has done so much at a young age.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. At what age did Dorothy Jean Tillman II start college classes?
. What degree did Dorothy earn from Arizona State University when she was 17?
. What kind of camp did Dorothy start for young people?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

Dorothy Jean Tillman II is a gifted child from the United States, where attending college is typically for people around 18 years or older. She advanced through education much faster than usual. Her achievements are celebrated and exceptional.

🧠 Further reading

Gifted education
Some children are very smart and talented. These children might need a special kind of education. There are two main ways to do this. One way, called enrichment, gives these children more information about things they learn at school. They learn this extra information at the same time as other children. The second way, called acceleration, lets smart children go through school faster. This can mean they skip grades. A child is often called gifted if they do very well on IQ tests. Usually, only a few children, like 10% or less, go into special programs for gifted kids. To be seen as very gifted, a child might need to be in the top one percent. There are different ways to help these gifted children. They might need different things at different times. Sometimes, they go to higher-level classes because they are ready for harder work. This could mean skipping a grade or finishing school subjects faster. In some cases, a child might go ahead in one subject, like math, without changing their other classes. Some colleges have special programs for these very smart young children so they can start college early. In the United States, many communities try to help these gifted children too.

Personal development
Personal development is about making yourself better. It helps you learn new things, become more skilled, find a better job, feel happier, and achieve what you dream about. You can grow and improve during your whole life, and it's not just for yourself. You can also help others to get better at what they do, like teachers or coaches do. You can develop personally in many ways. You might join in social work or go to big events. It is good to know yourself better and to learn how to do new things. It can make you feel good about who you are. You can get better at things you are already good at and work on making your career better. Learning helps you to do well in life and to manage your time. It is also important for your health, and it can help you make more friends and feel better on the inside. Personal development is different from personal growth. Personal development is about the things you learn, and personal growth is about how your feelings and ideas get better. Helping other people to develop is also a part of personal development.

Youth work
Youth work is about helping older kids and teenagers grow and learn outside of school. It happens in different places around the world, like the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada. These activities help young people learn new things, become more confident, and feel like they are an important part of their community. The work that is done with young people includes many fun and interesting things to do. In Ireland, a special law explains that youth work must help young people get better at dealing with other people and understanding more about themselves. This should not be the same as what they learn in school, but it should help them in their everyday life. But, some people think that youth work should do even more. They believe it should help young people to join in with society and make the world a fairer place. They want young people to have a chance to change things they don't think are right in their community and around the world.