Groundhog Phil Says Spring is Coming
FILE - Groundhog Club handler A.J. Dereume holds Punxsutawney Phil, the weather prognosticating groundhog, during the 138th celebration of Groundhog Day on Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., Friday, Feb. 2, 2024. Phil's human handlers took the occasion of Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12, 2024, to announce that the two kids born earlier this spring to Phil and his partner, Phyllis, are named Sunny and Shadow. Sunny is a female, Shadow a male. (AP Photo/Barry Reeger, File)

Groundhog Phil Says Spring is Coming

May 13th, 2024

There is a famous groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil who helps people know about the weather. He tries to tell if spring will come early. Phil has two new little groundhogs, and they just got their names. The girl is called Sunny and the boy is named Shadow. Every year, people watch Phil to see if he can see his shadow. If he sees it, it means six more weeks of winter, but if he doesn't, it means spring is coming soon. This year, Phil did not see his shadow, so he thinks spring will come early. Phil's job is very special, and even though he has two baby groundhogs now, they will not do his job. Phil is still the only one who will try to predict the weather. A lot of people wanted to help choose names for Phil's babies. The leaders of the groundhog club picked the names Sunny and Shadow. Somebody found the two new baby groundhogs in March. Phil, his partner Phyllis, and the babies live in a warm, cozy home at the library where they get fruits and vegetables to eat.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. Who is Punxsutawney Phil and what does he help people with?
. What happens if Phil sees his shadow?
. What are the names of Phil's two new little groundhogs?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

Punxsutawney Phil is a part of American folklore, specifically tied to Groundhog Day celebrated on February 2nd. The tradition says that a groundhog's behavior can predict the arrival of spring. It is observed with a ceremonial gathering in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

🧠 Further reading

Groundhog Day
Every year on February 2, people in some parts of the United States and Canada celebrate Groundhog Day. This special day is all about a groundhog, which is a small, furry animal. There is an old belief that if the groundhog comes out of the ground and sees its shadow because the sun is shining, it means we will have six more weeks of winter. If it doesn't see its shadow, it means spring will come soon. In 2024, people think spring will come early because of this tradition. But, even though many people still enjoy this tradition today, scientists have said that there's no real proof that the groundhog's shadow can tell us about the weather in spring. Long ago, German people brought this idea to America. In Germany, they would watch a badger, and in some other places, like Hungary, they would watch a bear to guess the weather. This idea is kind of like another old story that says if the weather is good on Candlemas Day, which is also on February 2, winter will last longer. One famous Groundhog Day event happens in a place called Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania. Many people go there to see a famous groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil. Other towns have their own Groundhog Day events, too. A long time ago, German people who moved to America started this tradition. They had a day called "Badger Day" back in Germany, which was also on Candlemas Day. If the badger saw its shadow because the sun was out, they believed it meant more winter was coming.

Spring (season)
Spring is a season that comes after winter and before summer. It is a time when the days and nights are about the same length, but days get longer and nights get shorter as summer gets closer. In the Northern Hemisphere, spring is when the Southern Hemisphere has autumn. Spring is a time when people think about new beginnings and nature growing again. In very warm places, people might talk about other times of the year, like wet or dry seasons instead of spring. The word "spring" comes from old words that meant things like starting or jumping up. It's been used to talk about the season for a very long time. Weather experts talk about spring as one of four main parts of the year. Spring, summer, autumn, and winter each last about three months. Spring is when temperatures start to get warmer after the cold months.

Wild animals live all around the world. They can live in different places like deserts, grasslands, and forests. Sometimes, these animals live in cities too. People did not put these animals in these places; they live there on their own. Long ago, people hunted wild animals for fun. Today, we know that some wild animals can be dangerous. They can hurt us, make us sick, or damage things we own. But we also learn from them and feel happy when we see them. People live in cities and houses, but some wild animals can live near us, like cats and dogs that do not have homes, and mice and rats. Some people think certain wild animals are very special. But there is a problem: since 1970, there have been a lot fewer wild animals because of people using too much stuff, having too many babies, and farming a lot. It is like we are making many animals go away forever. People also buy and sell wild animals, which can be worth a lot of money. A long time ago, people needed to catch wild animals to eat.