Earth Machine Odysseus Lands on Moon, Falls Over
This image provided by Intuitive Machines shows a view from the Odysseus lunar lander made with a fisheye lens on Feb. 22, 2024. Before its power was depleted, Odysseus sent this photo in its farewell transmission, received on Thursday, Feb. 29. (Intuitive Machines via AP)

Earth Machine Odysseus Lands on Moon, Falls Over

February 29th, 2024

The American company Intuitive Machines sent a lander named Odysseus to the moon. It landed on February 22, 2024, near the moon's south pole. But when it landed, one of its legs broke, and it fell over. This made it hard for the lander to talk with people on Earth. Even though it had problems, Odysseus still worked longer than expected. Before it ran out of power, it sent a last picture from the moon to Earth. The picture had the moon's ground, a little bit of Earth, and the sun in it. Then, the people who control the lander told it to go to sleep. They hope it might wake up again in a few weeks after the very cold moon night. Intuitive Machines is the first private company to land softly on the moon without crashing. Before, only five countries did this. NASA, America's space agency, gave $118 million to Intuitive Machines for this moon trip. They hope these trips will help prepare for astronauts to go to the moon again in the future. The last time Americans landed on the moon was in 1972. Six science tests were on the Odysseus lander. NASA wants these private landers to help them learn more about the moon.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. What is the name of the American company that sent a lander to the moon?
. Where did the lander land on the moon, and what happened when it landed?
. What do NASA and other companies hope to gain from sending landers to the moon?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

The article is about a space mission in the USA, a country with a strong history in space exploration. NASA is the national space agency, and this mission involves a private company. The Apollo program was the last time the USA sent people to the moon.

🧠 Further reading

Timeline of space exploration
We have been trying to explore outer space for a long time. This story tells us about the important steps we have taken to learn more about space. It's not about one country or one group; it's about all of us together. Long ago, before the year 1900, people already wanted to know more about space. Then, from 1900 to 1956, some interesting things happened. But the biggest steps in space took place between 1957 and 1969. That's when humans did amazing things, like going to space for the first time. After that, from the 1970s to the 1990s, we kept learning and exploring space. And we didn't stop in the new century! From 2000 to 2009 and then from 2010 until now, we are still exploring and making new discoveries. If you want to know more about the space trips, the different space agencies, and the records, there are lists you can look at. There are also timelines that tell us about the Solar System, the satellites, and the space trips that are just for one year or made by private companies. And if you want to learn even more, there are websites and old web pages that tell us about the history and the special moments in our journey to space. These stories help us remember all the important times in our space adventure.

Commercial Lunar Payload Services
NASA has a new program called CLPS. This program pays companies to send robots to the Moon. These robots include small landers and rovers. They will land near the Moon's south pole. Their job is to look for things on the Moon that we can use, like water or minerals. They will also try out new ideas for using these resources. Plus, they will do science experiments to help with the Artemis program, which is about sending people back to the Moon. NASA will pay a set price for these services. The companies will do everything needed to make sure their robots can carry NASA's science tools to the Moon and work there. This includes things like the rockets, the landers, and any equipment for the trip back to Earth. Eight missions are already planned with different companies. Some have been changed because of problems like a company going out of business. NASA has wanted to use things from the Moon for a long time. They have many ideas for experiments and tools to send there. One project, a rover called Resource Prospector, was stopped. But NASA said they would still explore the Moon, just with robots from companies in the CLPS program instead. They asked companies to propose missions in 2018. Now, they are ready to start sending robots to the Moon.

Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships
NASA has a special program called NextSTEP. They work with companies to help make space travel to far places better and safer. Together, they're focusing on the space near and a bit past the Moon. It's been happening since 2014, and they even picked some partnerships in 2015 to work on space engines and other cool space things. NASA wants these new ideas to help with longer trips to the Moon and places even farther away in the future. NASA hopes that these projects can help make new space stations and transportation in space.