US Private Spaceship Lands on Moon
FILE- Picture shows the moon's surface taken by the Russian moonprobe Luna 9, Feb. 4, 1966. The pictures for the first time enable scientists to analyze the microstructure of the moon's surface. The picture was released by the radio telescope at Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, England, which picked up Luna 9's signals. (AP Photo/File)

US Private Spaceship Lands on Moon

February 23rd, 2024

A pivotal moment in space exploration was achieved when a private U.S. company, Intuitive Machines, successfully landed a lunar lander on the moon's surface, marking the first such accomplishment by a private entity. Despite transmitting only a faint signal, this event marks a significant return for the United States to lunar activities since the last Apollo mission in 1972. This lander was created under a NASA-sponsored initiative that supports commercial contributions to moon exploration. Previously, the moon has been a challenging destination, with various nations facing failures in their attempts to land spacecraft. The history of moon landings began with the Soviet Union's Luna 9 in 1966, followed by America's Surveyor 1, and expanded with the famed Apollo missions, culminating in the 1969 Apollo 11 manned landing. Since then, only China, with its Yutu rovers and a notable far side lunar landing, and India, with its Chandrayaan-3, have succeeded in landing on the moon. Russia's recent attempt resulted in a crash, reminiscent of its earlier success with Luna 24 in 1976. Meanwhile, Japan achieved a landing but faced challenges with solar power generation. Not all attempts have been successful; for instance, Israel's Beresheet lander and Japan's ispace lander both encountered destructive crashes. Similarly, Astrobotic Technology, another U.S. company, suffered a launch failure due to a fuel leak. Despite these setbacks, both Astrobotic Technology and Intuitive Machines are planning further lunar deliveries, evidencing the ongoing drive towards commercial and international partnerships in lunar exploration. As this field progresses, NASA continues to aim for a manned return to the moon by the late 2020s, while China aspires to send astronauts by 2030. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Science and Educational Media Group supports the reporting of science and health by the Associated Press.
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💭 Discussion Questions

. In what ways has the role of private companies in space exploration evolved since the first moon landings, and what implications does this have for the future of lunar exploration?
. Considering the multiple nations and private entities attempting lunar landings, what factors contribute to the success or failure of these complex missions?
. How do initiatives like NASA's that support commercial contributions to moon exploration affect international collaboration and competition in space?

📖 Vocabulary

🌐 Cultural context

The article is from the United States, where space exploration has significant historical and cultural importance. The Apollo missions during the 1960s and 1970s were a source of national pride, and there's a current resurgence of interest in space through private space companies, supported by government initiatives like NASA's commercial partnerships.

🧠 Further reading

Commercial Lunar Payload Services
NASA is leading a pioneering program, the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS), employing the expertise of private companies to propel small-scale robotic equipment to the moon. The initiative predominantly targets the vicinity of the moon's south pole, aiming to conduct reconnaissance for moon-based resources, experiment with on-site resource utilization methodologies, and carry out scientific research in alignment with the Artemis lunar mission. The essence of CLPS lies in its utilization of fixed-price contracts to procure comprehensive services from Earth to the lunar surface. The agency responsible for the execution of CLPS is NASA's Science Mission Directorate, in collaboration with the Human Exploration and Operations as well as the Space Technology Mission directorates. The program requires that contracted parties deliver a complete suite of services, encompassing the seamless integration, accommodation, and operation of NASA payloads. These services include the provision of launch vehicles, lunar landers, lunar surface infrastructure, and even vehicles that re-enter Earth's atmosphere, not to mention the necessary support resources. To date, there have been eight missions commissioned through this program, though there have been cases of contract revocation and cancellation due to a company bankruptcy. The inception of CLPS has its roots in NASA's longstanding interest in harnessing and exploring lunar resources. The agency recognizes the potential scientific and technological advancements that could be realized by routinely dispatching instruments and experiments to the lunar surface. When the Resource Prospector rover project was terminated in April 2018, NASA officials ensured continuing lunar surface exploration would be executed using commercial lander services via the new CLPS program. Later that same month, the program was formally introduced, progressively advancing from a draft request for proposals to a formal call for submissions by September 2018.

International Space Station
The International Space Station (ISS) stands as an immense symbol of international cooperation, orbiting at an altitude of around 400 kilometers above Earth. It's a product of the combined efforts of space agencies from the United States, Russia, Japan, Europe, and Canada, alongside their contractors. Operating since the late 1990s, the ISS has been continuously inhabited for over two decades, marking the longest ongoing human presence in space. To date, 273 individuals from 21 different countries have spent time on the station. Crucially, the ISS is not one homogenous entity but is divided into two parts based on the agencies responsible for assembly: the Russian Orbital Segment and the US Orbital Segment, with the latter including contributions from JAXA (Japan), ESA (Europe), and CSA (Canada). A distinctive aspect of the station’s architecture is the Integrated Truss Structure, which supports large solar panels and radiators, essential for power and heat dissipation. The core functions facilitated by the various pressurized modules within the ISS encompass research in microgravity, space environment studies, accommodation, storage, command operations, and serving as airlocks. Not limited to static experiments, the station also serves as a docking point for a range of visiting spacecraft. Having combined plans from the American Space Station Freedom and the Soviet Union's Mir-2 station, the ISS has evolved to include major modules launched by a variety of rockets including the Russian Proton and Soyuz, as well as the American Space Shuttle. The permanent occupation of the ISS began with the arrival of Expedition 1 in November 2000. Looking towards the foreseeable future, the ISS is set to welcome additional modules before the mission is gracefully concluded by intentionally de-orbiting it with a dedicated spacecraft in January 2031. Until then, the ISS continues to orbit Earth every 93 minutes, allowing crew members to witness multiple sunrises and sunsets in a single day, while pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and

Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
On a tragic day in the history of space exploration, January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger encountered a catastrophic failure just over a minute into its flight, leading to the demise of all seven astronauts on board. This incident unfolded in the skies off the coast of Florida and marked the first time an American space mission suffered fatalities during the actual flight. The Challenger was on its tenth mission, named STS-51-L, with significant objectives including deploying a satellite and conducting research on Halley's Comet. An added element of public interest was the presence of Christa McAuliffe, a schoolteacher who was participating in the Teacher In Space program. This heightened the media coverage and many schoolchildren witnessed the disaster unfold live. Investigations pinpointed the cause to the failure of O-ring seals in one of the shuttle's solid rocket boosters. The severe cold that morning had compromised the flexibility of the O-rings, critically impeding their function. After launch, these seals failed, allowing extremely hot gas to escape and eventually leading to the destruction of the shuttle. The aftermath of the disaster was extensive. It not only included a three-month search-and-recovery mission to retrieve debris from the ocean depths but also prompted a thorough examination of space shuttle safety protocols, which significantly altered future missions. The exact moment of the crew's passing remains indeterminable, but the memory of this tragedy continues to serve as a poignant reminder of the risks of space exploration.