Profession: Farm Manager
I manage the on-site operations of an organic lavender farm on an island off the coast of Washington state. Our lavender is primarily used for the extract of their essential oils that we then use for our product line of health and beauty products.
Farm Hand
When things get cold in Washington I head south...way south to Chile where I work on an organic vegetable farm with a large fruit orchard. We focus on the production of vegetables to stock the local grocery store and for sale at the farmer's market.
Interests: I am a farmer by trade and by passion. I absolutely love to watch the world grow. I also am a lover of hiking and nature. I practice yoga daily and am a certified kundalini yoga teacher. My wife is Chliean and being such I live in Chile half of the year where I am continually teaching English to my step daughter. I also spent a semester teaching English to children at a small school in Chile.
Education: Farragut High School
I completed high school in my home state of Tennessee.
Spoken Languages: English (Native), Spanish (Conversational)
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