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Profissão: English Teacher (adults)
English Language Instruction
I work full-time teaching adults in an English Langauage Academy in the centre of Madrid, Spain. I have been teaching for over 3 years now.

Interesses: 🌟 Hi there! I'm Tom, a language lover who finds joy in teaching. I'm all about relaxed learning, having fun, and exploring the world of languages. When I'm not teaching, you'll find me playing sports and satisfying my urge to travel. 🌍

Educação: TEFL
English Language Instruction
Full-time in-person TEFL course completed

Advanced TEFL Degree
English Language Instruction
Part-time Online Degree in Advanced TEFL.

International Politics MScEcon
A degree in International Politics from Aberystwyth University. Completed in 2012.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), galês (Nativo), espanhol (Conversação)

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