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Tutor Bradley

Profissão: Legal Secretary
I have worked as a legal secretary in large, U.S. based law firms for the past two decades.

Interesses: I am a native speaker of English from the United States. For more than 2 decades, I have regularly studied French, Spanish, and German in order to maintain my level in those languages. I am therefore very familiar with the challenges that language students face and would love to help you progress on your journey toward English fluency. I am able to assist you with not only general English but also with business and legal English as I have worked in private law firms in the U.S. for more than 2 decades.

Educação: Bachelor of Arts in French language
I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Cum Laude) in French language from Arizona State University in the United States. I have also studied languages abroad in France, Germany, and Spain.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), francês (Fluente), espanhol (Fluente), alemão (Básico)

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