専門分野: Lindamood-Bell
Tutor/Clinician for Lindamood-Bell. I helped students increase their vocabulary, reading comprehension, and fluency. I also tutored English Literature at the Lindamood-Bell Academy.
Tutor, YMCA
Volunteer Literacy Tutor for the YMCA. I helped participants increase their vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Tutor, International Institute of St. Louis
Telephone Conversation Partners Program. I helped participants prepare for their American citizenship. Tutoring took place through casual phone conversations.
Teacher's Assistant English Composition, Duke University (Coursera)
Online Teacher's Assistant
Reviewed student's essays
Gave constructive criticism to students
Students worldwide, including those for whom English was not their native language.
興味: I am a lifelong learner! I love learning about different cultures, topics, and new things.
学歴: Bachelors in English
English Language Instruction, Education, Writing and Journalism
I received a BA in English at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
話せる言語: 英語 (ネイティブ)