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전문 분야: English Teacher
I have plenty of experience teaching online. Most of my teaching has been working either freelance or with companies like Open English

관심 분야: I was born in raised in Los Ángeles, California. Growing up I was was exposed to both English and Spanish and I became very proficient in both. When I was 18 I decided to do some volunteer work teaching English mostly in Mexico but I also taught English to people who were immigrating to the US. I learned a lot during those years eventually. I took a formal 60 hour English teaching course. Been working ever since. Also I recently too a 140 hour English teaching course.

학력: TEFL (60 hr training course)
English Language Instruction
I have successfully completed 60hr training course on teaching English as a foreign language

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 스페인어 (유창함)

프로필 동영상: