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전문 분야: EFL Teacher for Engoo/DMM Eikaiwa - March 2022 to February 2023
Engoo is an online English school. I work with students ranging from 6 to 60+ either having conversations about ourselves, discussing the news or working through lesson materials depending on the level and interests of the student

Canadian English Centre - ESOL Tutor - June 2017 to present
Teaching regular classes of children aged 4 to 16 years old. I design materials to suit my students needs but I also regularly draw on and am confident with materials including Storyfun for Readers, Show & Tell, Oxford Discover & Family and Friends

관심 분야: A highly motivated and focused, TEFL-qualified teacher with an outgoing and friendly personality and over six years of teaching experience. I employ a range of activities to suit all learning styles with an emphasis on ensuring students find activities stimulating and entertaining.

학력: Level 5 TEFL Certificate - The TEFL Academy - 2017
Modules included: Grammar, Lesson planning, Receptive skills (Listening, Reading) Productive skills (Writing, Speaking) Vocabulary, Pronunciation.

BA (Honours) for English Language & Literature – The Open University – (October 2019 - ongoing)
An online Bachelors degree being studied part time with an expected graduation date of May 2025

Professional Acting Diploma and The Academy of Performance Combat Fight Performance Certificate - The Bridge Theatre Training
Modules included: Acting, Stage combat, Classical acting, Dance, Performing arts, Physical theatre, Stage schools, Television, film and radio performance, Theatre arts.

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민)

프로필 동영상: