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Victor Wheeler

Profissão: Try Mai Thai - Pad Thai - Thai Cuisine
Customer Support
I made a few friends from Thailand when I worked at the "food truck" called Trai Mai Thai! I answered the phone, wrote down orders, and packaged food & drinks. I also prepared spring rolls, egg rolls, appetizers & desserts. Sometimes I delivered!

Flute Soup - Music Education - Flute Lessons
Performing Arts
I teach flute lessons online. I teach adult beginners. Some of them played flute for a few years in high school... and now they want to know how to play for fun when they are no longer in a band at school. I focus on playing as a spiritual practice.

Interesses: I like to be outside when the weather is good. I enjoy walking on the trails in the woods around my city. At home, I play musical instruments including saxaphone and ukelele! I also "work out" at the gym, doing yoga & lifting weights. I also go to Zumba dance fitness classes. When I am relaxing, I listen to podcasts about philosophy, or watch videos on YouTube about science.

Educação: Bachelor's of Arts in Social Studies & music
Performing Arts
Social Studies

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Conversação)

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