جرِّب كامبلي مجانًا. لن تحتاج لدفع شيء اثناء التجربة المجانية.


المهنة: Data Scientist/Software Engineer
Working with AI to predict and produce accurate data for the company to use in sales and forecasting.

Audio Engineer
Visual Arts
Working with artists to master and mix music.
Writing soundtracks and creating SFX for films, TV and games.
Producing and DJ'ing my own music.

الاهتمامات: I love snowboarding and scuba diving, these are my two main hobbies!

Years ago, before getting in to computer science, i was an Audio Engineer and a musician. I used to play gigs all over the country in different cities and towns. I've always loved moving around and travelling, and i try to move to a new city every year or two. I still sometimes produce music when i have the chance, as it's a really fun hobby. I mostly like to make electronic music.

I've decided to go to Thailand to write my paper remotely, as i previously lived in Vietnam and Cambodia, which i loved.
Next, i'm hoping to visit China and then Japan.

التعليم: Masters of Computer Science & Artifical Intelligence
Graduating from The University Of York, UK

لغات التحدث: الإنجليزية (اللغة الأم)

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