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Profissão: Project Manager
Technology, Hospitality and Tourism, Management
Work for an EPOS technology company as a Project Manager.

Operations Manager
Hospitality and Tourism, Management
Worked as an Operations and Project Manager for a hospitality company specialising in setup of event spaces, bars and cafes.

Hospitality and Tourism
Prior to my management experience, I worked in a range of kitchens for a period of 11 years.

Interesses: My interests are in food (I worked as a chef for 11 years) and music (I trained as an opera singer). Looking to help people with their English! I'm interested in Turkish culture as my girlfriend is Turkish!

Educação: Bachelor of Business Management
Hospitality and Tourism, Technology
Completed bachelor's degree in Business Management at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo)

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