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Profissão: English Teacher
Education, English Language Instruction
Billingual School in Cadiz, Spain

English Teacher
Education, English Language Instruction
IPN University, Mexico City

Interesses: I'm from a city called Norwich in the UK. I lived there up until the age of 18, when I went to study at the University of Sheffield for 4 years. After graduating I moved to Spain for a year to teach English. And now am doing the same in Mexico. I’m an avid music fan and enjoy playing the guitar. Cooking is also a hobby of mine and the past couple of years I’ve had a go at growing my own herbs and vegetables. I really enjoy football, climbing and am also part of a basketball team. Furthermore, I volunteer on occasion at the FoodCycle programme, which allows me to use my love of cooking and give back to the community.

Educação: BA Economics
Education, Finance and Banking
University of Sheffield

Msc Management
University of Sheffield

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Conversação)

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