Profession: Product/Technical Support
Customer Support
I have most recently worked for 2 multinational corporations who manufacture and sell equipment focusing on health and wellness.
Performing Musician
Performing Arts
I am a working musician in the United States and Costa Rica performing on guitar, violin and vocals. My repertoire consists of rock/pop/folk songs in English and Spanish as well as improvisational music from a variety of styles on the violin.
Interests: I love making music and sharing experiences with people and musical influences from around the world.
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
I earner my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix.
Diamond and Colored Stone Certificates
I studied Gemology and earned my Diamond and Colored Stone grading certificates while also working at the Gemological Institute of America
Associate Arts degree in Music
Performing Arts
I earned my Associate Arts degree in Music from Miami-Dade Community College
Spoken Languages: English (Native), Spanish (Conversational)
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