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Profissão: Auditor - Deloitte
Finance and Banking
My job was to audit, or verify, the financial statements or many companies, in various industries.

Accounting Manager
Finance and Banking
I was in charge of the accounting department of an insurance company. I was in charge of basically anything involving accounting, finance, or the flow of money.

Interesses: In my free time, I like playing guitar and writing music. If you want to practice English while talking about music and music theory, I would be happy to help you!

My favorite sport to watch is tennis. I also like to play tennis, or any racket sport, like ping pong and badminton.

I like travelling and learning languages - I'm currently learning Thai. I like swimming, and I love to go snorkeling in the ocean when I can. I also like hiking in the mountains, or just being in nature.

Educação: Bachelors Degree in Accounting and Finance
Finance and Banking
University of Colorado - Boulder

Masters Degree in Accounting
Finance and Banking
University of Colorado - Boulder

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), chinês (Conversação), espanhol (Conversação), tailandês (Básico)

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