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Teacher Jennifer

Profissão: Teacher
I have been a private teacher for 6 years in the USA and in Mexico. I have also worked for 3 other companies teaching English and have done many projects implementing early stimulation in schools for better cognitive results.

Interesses: I grew up in the United States, however, when I turned 19 I really wanted to go and study in a different country. I decided to move to Mexico and start college in Mexico, such a cool experience. While in Mexico I have been given the opportunity to help and inspire many different kids to learn English. We truly have so much fun and it brings me so much joy seeing how much they have learned. In the near future, I would love to travel to different countries in order to study and learn different languages.

Educação: Physical Therapist
I have graduated with a bachelor's degree in physical therapy and have been working as a physical therapist for a year. I have been working with trauma cases and pediatric cases, specifically on early stimulation programs for kids.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Fluente)

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