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Shane Lally

Interesses: I was born in Ireland to an American mother and Irish father, however I grew up in America. When I was 9 my family moved to Panama and build a house, where we would spend half of our year while spending the other half in America. Upon graduating high school I decided to move back to Ireland to go to college and fell in love with the country of my birth. I have lived here ever since, enjoying the rugged coastal scenery, small town atmosphere and amazing waves. I have lived and worked here for several years now, giving surf lessons to adults as well as to local kids and European language students.

Educação: BA Honors in Sociology and Politics
Government, Law
I earned my Bachelors Degree at the Institute of Technology Sligo, earning an Honor Roll grade with my dissertation on "The Impact of Policy on Children's Experience of the Child Protection System."

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Conversação)

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