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Tutor Jess

Profesión: Teaching Assistant
Teaching, Education
I worked as a teaching assistant at a school in the UK for 2 years.

English Teacher
Teaching, Education
I have been working as an English Teacher online 2021.

Intereses: I am a true animal lover! I have a rescued dog and a cat, and I also run an animal rescue association in Portugal.
I love adventures and traveling and in 2023 I went to Turkey for 10 weeks, which included 3 weeks volunteering in the earthquake zone.
I studied Business Management in the UK where I started my own pet-sitting business. I then moved to the Azores (Portugal) to work for a whale-watching company.
I love to be in nature and enjoy gardening in my spare time. I like to work on myself, both mentally and physically, and I have a lot of compassion for making the world a better place. 💛

Educación: Bachelor of Arts
I have a BA(Hons) degree in Business and Enterprise Management which I studied at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

Idiomas que hablas: inglés (Nativo), portugués (Conversacional)

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