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Tutor Megan

Profissão: Billing Representative and Office Administrator
Insurance, Customer Support, Management
I worked for an Optometrist (eye doctor) as a billing and insurance representative and have experience communicating with Insurance organizations and customers. I also have experience as an Administrator or Assistant Manager for the office.

Insurance, Customer Support
I have experience as a receptionist at a doctor's office. I helped customers and patients on the phone and in person.

Interesses: I love to travel, learn about other cultures, and try new foods. I also like to watch movies and TV, as well as reading good books and enjoying a hot cup of tea. There are so many places to visit, books to read, and foods to try, that I don't know how I will get to them all!

Educação: Bachelor of Arts, International Studies
I studied world politics, learned about other cultures, and studied foreign languages.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), francês (Básico), espanhol (Básico)

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