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전문 분야: 1st grade Teacher/ESL teacher
I currently teach 1st grade inclusion. I teach regular education students mixed with special educations students and ESL students. I teach all subjects. I have been teaching 1st grade in public school for 9 years now.

PreK Teacher
For 3 years prior to teaching in public school I taught preschool students at a learning center. Their ages were 3-5 years old.

Online ESL Teacher
For 3 years I taught online english classes for young students ages 3-14. I did this in addition to teaching full time in public school.

관심 분야: I love teaching, reading, watching good movies, fashion, beauty and accessories. I love collecting beautiful handbags. I love doing my own nails at home and research a lot about nails. I love my dogs and love spending time on the couch with them relaxing at home. I have 2 miniature schnauzers and 1 Chiweenie dog.

학력: Bachelors Degree in Education
I hold a current bachelors degree in education and I am certified in my state to teach.

Masters Degree in Library Science
I have a masters degree in library science for education. I can be a librarian in public schools.

ESL Certification
English Language Instruction
I hold a current certification in English as a Second Language in my state so I can teach students that are ESL.

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민)

프로필 동영상: