CAMBLY 무료 평가판을 사용해 보십시오. 평가판은 결제가 필요하지 않습니다.

Jodi Noblett

전문 분야: Professional Freelance Writer
Writing and Journalism
I am a professional freelance writer. I write articles for magazines My favorite topics to write about are hiking, camping, kayaking and hunting. I thoroughly enjoy my work and the freedom it gives me to be creative.

관심 분야: Let me tell you a little about myself. Maybe we have some things in common! I lived on a cattle farm when I was a child. I love nature. I enjoy growing vegetables in my garden. I like to read books.

One of my favorite things is helping people learn new things. This is what I loved most about teaching my children at home. It's one of the things I enjoy about tutoring students on Cambly.

I'm looking forward to meeting you and learning more about you and the things you enjoy!

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민)

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