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Keegan Leighty

전문 분야: Writing Tutor
English Language Instruction, Education
I was trained by my University to be a writing tutor. Students would come to me with ideas or drafts for a paper and I would look over the paper with them to help them find any areas in need of improvement and address any concerns they might have had

관심 분야: When I worked as a writing tutor at my University I found a passion for helping people communicate their ideas and be understood. Now that I have graduated I have taken that passion and brought it here to hopefully be your next English Tutor

학력: College Of William and Mary and TEFL Certification
Writing and Journalism, English Language Instruction
At the College of William and Mary I received a Bachelors Degree in English

I also received my TEFL certification this fall

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민)

프로필 동영상: