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Profissão: Assistant Language Teacher (ALT)
English Language Instruction, Teaching
I was an assistant language teacher in Japan. In this occupation, I would talk with the students and help correct their work, as well as provide them with homework, role plays and study material and playing many grammar, spelling and speaking games.

Interesses: Hi! It's lovely to meet you. I am very excited to speak with you in English and correct any English grammar you have or teach any phrases you would like to learn. I have been an English assistant teacher in Tokyo for almost 2 years, but have recently returned to my home country because I wish to study psychology to become a psychologist. I am from Melbourne, Australia so I am a native English speaker. I studied as a double major in English and Japanese. I can speak conversational level Japanese. In regards to my personality, I am a friendly person who loves meeting new people and talking to many different types of people! Some of my hobbies include running, reading, cooking, kickboxing, skateboarding, learning languages and teaching. I, like you, also understand the struggles of learning a second language, so naturally I am a very patient tutor. I am also very excited to meet you and speak with you in English! I believe languages can be fun and engaging, even though they can be difficult! So, let's have an exciting lesson together!

Educação: Bachelor of Arts
English Language Instruction
I majored in English and Japanese at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), japonês (Conversação)

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