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Profissão: Instructor at Avalon English Academy
English Language Instruction, Education
I spent 12 months teaching English as a second language to 5 to 14 year old students.

Instructor at YBM ECC
Education, English Language Instruction
I spent 8 months teaching English as a second language to 4 to 12 year old students.

Advisor at Adams State University
I spent 2 years teaching and advising adults on how to take university courses and helping them once they were enrolled.

Interesses: I am very easy to work with. If you wish to change what you are doing, I will gladly adapt the program to fit your needs. If you are feeling overwhelmed, I can easily slow the program down. If you are feeling as if it is too easy, I can speed up the program.

Educação: Bachelor of Science at Adams State University
Education, Finance and Banking, Logistics, Entrepreneurship
I have a degree in Business Economics and Banking and Finance from Adams State University.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo)

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