CAMBLY 무료 평가판을 사용해 보십시오. 평가판은 결제가 필요하지 않습니다.

Ms Terry

전문 분야: Substitute Teacher
Education, Consulting, Teaching
Substitute Teacher are to maintain classroom discipline and to carry on the classroom procedures as if he/she were the regular teacher. A substitute teacher has the same responsibilities and the same duties as the regular teacher, including bus duty

MBA Business Administration Healthcare Management
Entrepreneurship, Mental Health, Management, Consulting
MBA in Healthcare Management aims to provide knowledge about and develop skills for leading and managing health systems and services, leading and managing health professionals, and managing one’s self as a leader and manager in contemporary and comp

Therapist Counselor Case Manager
Education, Mental Health, Management
Working with all ages from children, adolescence to adult on varies mental health issues. Job duties include documentation and great interpersonal skills good communicator.

관심 분야: My very first job was working in a " Infant room" at Head Start Program and I taught children with disabilites how to swim. I had an internship at a TV station in Ohio and my life thus far has been very rewarding MBA Consultant, Online Business owner, Counseling, and now Substutite Teacher.

학력: Pennslyvania Sate University
Education, Environment
Human Development and Family Studies Bachelor Science degree
2Letters, Arts, Sciences Associate Degree

University of Phoenix Campus
Master Business Administration healthcare Management degree

Trident University
Master Educational Leadership

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민)

프로필 동영상: