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Aoifé Flanagan

Profissão: Medical Secretary
I worked as a supervising Medical Secretary in a Radiology clinic in a busy hospital in Dublin for 8 years. Performing many office duties such as Scheduling appointments, answering phones and emails, liasing with doctors and nurses and providing care

Interesses: Hello my name is Aoifé (it sounds like EE-FA) I am 27 years old.

I was born and grew up in the Republic of Ireland.

I am currently living in Thailand.
I am a qualified English Teacher.

I am passionate about Travel, animals and food.

Educação: Travel and Tourism NFQ level 5
Hospitality and Tourism
I completed an NFQ level 5, one year course on Travel and Tourism, looking at the business aspects of the Tourism Industry.

Basic level ECDL
I completed a Basic level ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), irlandês (Conversação)

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