전문 분야: Currently I'm an Estimator for an Engineering company that manufactures precast slabs.
관심 분야: Reading over a large range of topics, particularly African history. I love traveling my Continent. I love spending time outdoors, doing a number of things like hiking, mountain biking or any activities out and about. I'm also a great cook and enjoy experimenting with meals.
학력: Bachelor in Construction Studies, Final year.
Diploma in Interior Design - Interior Design Institute
TEFL Certificate - TEFL Professional Development Institute
가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 남부 소토어 (원어민), 츠와나어 (원어민), 줄루어 (유창함), 아프리칸스어 (유창함), 코사어 (유창함)
프로필 동영상: