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Profissão: Student Success Coach
Education, Teaching, English Language Instruction, Mental Health
Implemented 20-minute tutoring sessions for a caseload of 12 high school students in algebra content area.
Achieved over 700 minutes of academic intervention per student. Launched additional 1:1 math tutoring

City Year Tutor
Education, Teaching, English Language Instruction
Supported student academic success in the classroom for 120 total students. Increased students’ academic task time by 60 minutes each week.

Improved math scores of 50% of students beyond their expected growth.

Graduate Library Student Assistant
Education, Logistics
Tracked 100+ book entries daily for successful transfer into the Location Service Center from the university's largest library collection.

Examined and audited duplicate reports weekly, and amended false information in a research library database.

Global Citizen Year Fellow
Non-profit, Teaching, English Language Instruction, Hospitality and Tourism
Apprenticed an anthropologist in fieldwork. Fundraised $500 for a needs-based scholarship fund for incoming fellows.

Violin Luthier Apprentice
Performing Arts
Under the guidance of a professional luthier, I will learn how to make violins in 2023/2024.

Interesses: I lived in Brazil for one year in 2011, and currently, I attempt to read Gomes' work "1808" in Portuguese. I study and practice Irish, which is considered an endangered language.

Educação: Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), português (Conversação), irlandês (Básico)

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