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Ana Vega

Professione: Currently, I work online due to the pandemic teaching English on a variety of given platforms. I also do personal classes.

Interessi: Well, what can I say. I love going to the beach. I moved to Mexico a few years ago and the best part is going to the beach every weekend. I love the smell, the way the sun looks at sunset and just enjoying the time spent there with my two dogs, Toby and Charlie.
I'm also an avid reader, but I go more for fiction/fantasy than nonfiction. I tend to read when I have free time since I find it peaceful.

Istruzione: Associate of Arts and Science degree from Big Bend Community College, Bachelor's degree in Teaching Foreign Languages from the University of Colima, C1 certification, TOEFL IBT/ TOEFL iTP / PET preparation (I have taught these courses at Tecnológico de Monterrey for the last 3 years)

Lingue parlate: inglese (Madrelingua), spagnolo (Fluente), francese (Base)

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