専門分野: Cambly Tutor
I am a proud Cambly Tutor of 3 years and counting.
興味: I love to get lost in a good book, usually a romance genre, but I also enjoy learning new skills from books. I keep my body moving with dancing and music. I enjoy being social and going out on new outdoor adventures.
学歴: Diploma in Clinical Massage Therapy
Studied in the following subjects: Anatomy and Physiology; Pathology, Pathophysiology, Theory of Massage; Nutrition; Pharmacology; Diagnostics; Ethics and Jurisprudence; Business and Marketing; and Counselling.
話せる言語: 英語 (ネイティブ), アフリカーンス語 (流暢に話せるレベル), ポルトガル語 (初級レベル)