CAMBLY 무료 평가판을 사용해 보십시오. 평가판은 결제가 필요하지 않습니다.

Annie Kathleen

전문 분야: Assistant Language Teaching (Japan), however, I am currently living in AUS, due to crisis. Here, I work part-time in customer service.

관심 분야: In my spare time, I enjoy being active and playing soccer. I am an avid reader and film viewer. I also love to travel abroad when I have the opportunity (unlike now, unfortunately!). I spent a year living and studying in Japan.

학력: Master's Degree in Applied Linguistics and TESOL; Bachelor of Arts in Communications; Bachelor of Arts in International studies.

가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 일본어 (기초 수준)

프로필 동영상: