전문 분야: Retired professor
관심 분야: I have traveled to 30 countries. I have lived in 12 countries. l love learning about new cultures and languages.
My primary interests are: Photography, Dancing, Singing, Reading and endlessly learning. I love being a student as much as I love being a teacher.
I love to learn more about history, science, sociology, psychology, digital technology, medicine, neurology, etc. etc. etc. etc.
학력: Masters degree in Hispanic Linguistics
This was a new degree program when I was in graduate school. It was offered by the Linguistics Dept together with the Spanish & Portuguese Department at the Univ. of Minnesota in the USA. I worked on the PhD in Theoretical Linguistics, too.
가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 스페인어 (유창함), 포르투갈어 (초중급), 프랑스어 (기초 수준)
프로필 동영상: