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James Blackburn

Profissão: English Language Teacher
English Language Instruction
I taught English at the National University of Colombia. for 16 years.

English Language Teacher
English Language Instruction
I taught English in Japan for 12 years.

English Language Teacher
English Language Instruction
I taught English for 3 years in India.

Interesses: I can teach any kind of English course, whether it is for a Cambridge exam such as the IELTS, English for Specific Purposes, preparation for a job interview or just English in general. I have more than 28 years of experience teaching English around the world and more than 5000 hours online.

Educação: Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and TESOL
English Language Instruction
I did an analyses of a language course book for my thesis.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), francês (Fluente), híndi (Conversação), japonês (Conversação), espanhol (Conversação)

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