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Emily Zamora Bruce

Interesses: I moved to Mexico in October of 2016 and have been living here ever since. I currently live in Mexico City. When I'm not teaching, I like to learn about science, play guitar, sing, and work on other projects. I've also worked with various organizations in Mexico conducting human rights and environmental research and writing reports. I'm very passionate about conservation, climate change, and human rights. I also really enjoy talking about world events, culture, history, psychology, physics, astronomy, and travel, among other topics.

Educação: Bachelor of Arts in Law, Government, and Ethics - specialization: Latin American Studies
Government, Law, Research
I studied at the University of California, Davis. My degree is interdisciplinary focusing on human rights through the following disciplines: Political Science, Economics, History, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, and Religious Studies.

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Fluente)

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