

専門分野: Auxiliar de Conversacion - Teaching 2-8 years old.

興味: In my spare time I like to exercise, roller blade, walk and enjoy the outdoors, I love and make the most of the natural world. I like to read and am in fact, part of a book club. At weekends I like to cook and explore new music. I love good conversation and enjoy meeting new people. I have an ambition to travel the world and explore all the different cultures to broaden my mind .

学歴: University of Comillas - Spain 2019- current. “Innovacion educativa en el area de lengua extranjera ingles”
University of Comillias -Spain 2017- 2019 “Metodologia y eveluacion de le ensenanza y aprendizaje del ingles en el aula” 45 Credits
University of Cumbria - England 2008-2011 Drama BA Hons 2:1
High School and College 2005 - 2008 4 A-levels (B-C) 6 GCSE (B-C)

話せる言語: 英語 (ネイティブ)
