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Michael Skattebo

Profissão: Software Guidance Expert (Dec. 2016 - Sep. 2019), English Teacher (Nov. 2019 - March 2020), Freelance Designer (current)

Interesses: While my wife and I live in Colorado Springs, we love to travel and we spend much of our free time roaming the Earth. When I'm in Colorado I love adventuring in the Rocky Mountains, rock climbing with my friends, and playing guitar. When I'm traveling I love trying unique food, meeting new people, and getting around via motorbike.

I've recently returned to the United States after teaching English in Thailand for the last 6 months and looking forward to tutoring online.

Educação: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Organization and Innovation Management from Colorado State University; Certificate of Entrepreneurship from Colorado State University

TEFL Certification from SEE TEFL Chiang Mai, Thailand

Idiomas falados: inglês (Nativo), espanhol (Básico), tailandês (Básico)

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