전문 분야: Cambly Tutor
Education, English Language Instruction, Mental Health, Medicine
Tutor with Cambly over 5 years.
관심 분야: Traveling the world and immersing myself and learning the local culture, dance, language and the people. Volunteer with organizations to serve the underrepresented communities. Hobbies- dance, outdoor activities, fitness and creating culinary dishes from other countries.
학력: Masters Degree, Psychology
Mental Health, Education, Government, Medicine
Psychology and clinical social work that works with families and couples in relationships to nurture change and development
Bachelors Degree, Business Management
Finance and Banking, Entrepreneurship, Research, Non-profit
Develop an understanding of business organization. Knowledge of markets, customers, finance, operations, communication, information technology and business policy and strategy.
가능 언어: 영어 (원어민), 스페인어 (초중급), tl (초중급)
프로필 동영상: