
Christopher Trageser

职业: Teaching
Education, English Language Instruction
I teach all levels from 4 years old to university, adjusting the curriculum to be an engaging and valuable use of my students' time no matter what subject or current ability my students possess.

Research, Research and Development, Technology, Medicine
I have worked for various companies in the lab researching bacteria, viruses, and fungi, using them to make vaccines or looking for ways to control them more effectively.

兴趣: LEARNING: languages, science, computer coding, etc.
SCIENCE: biology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, etc.
TRAVELING: world travel, hiking, camping, climbing mountains, etc.
SPORTS: soccer/football, tennis, swimming, rock climbing, etc.
MUSIC: playing guitar, singing, dancing, etc.

所讲语言: 英语 (母语), 西班牙语 (流利), 中文 (会话), 法语 (基础), 土耳其语 (基础), 阿拉伯语 (基础)
