
Lisa Marie M

职业: Director of Global Opportunities
Education, English Language Instruction, Government, Research
In collaboration with several universities around the world, I provide students, staff, faculty and researchers with the opportunities to engage in study, research and projects based on the needs of the global community.

兴趣: I enjoy traveling and learning new languages. I love meeting new people and learning more about different cultures around the world. Experiencing new things is my passion and I love hearing about other people's experiences as well.

教育: Doctorate
Education, Entrepreneurship, Government, Research
Educational Leadership, the University of Phoenix

Master of Arts
Education, English Language Instruction, Research, Technology
TESOL, Columbia University

Bachelor of Arts
Education, Visual Arts, Technology, Writing and Journalism
French as a Second Language, Laval University

所讲语言: 英语 (母语), 法语 (流利), 日语 (会话)
