جرِّب كامبلي مجانًا. لن تحتاج لدفع شيء اثناء التجربة المجانية.


المهنة: Cambly English Tutor
Education, English Language Instruction
Online English teacher for 4 years

Speech Therapy
Education, English Language Instruction, Medicine, Mental Health
Help clients improve communication using English or non-speaking language

الاهتمامات: Native English speaker from the USA. Travelled to many countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Master's Degree student in Speech Therapy.

التعليم: Speech and Language Therapist
English Language Instruction, Education, Medicine
Teach and practice how to communicate. Master's Degree education level

لغات التحدث: الإنجليزية (اللغة الأم), اليابانية (أساسي), الإسبانية (أساسي)

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